About Me

My name is Mark. I am a normal person who is on the path of the Mystic. I am on a mission to help others find their own healing opportunities. It’s important to me to use my spiritual gifts to help others raise the vibration of their lives. I am a seeker of ancient knowledge and I am on a mission to connect with as many people I can so that I can lead them into the light. I am certified in Tarot from the London School of Astrology.

I am a veteran of the U.S. Navy Seabees and was deployed several times to the Middle East. It was during my final deployment that I was diagnosed with PTSD. I spent many years struggling with this diagnosis and receiving ineffective treatment from my local VA Medical Center. Eventually, I utilized the Veterans Choice program to seek hypnotherapy as an alternative holistic treatment. Immediately my eyes were opened and a whole new world was revealed to me. I realized that I am not a victim and that I am in control of healing my emotional wounds. Finally, I was able to confront my demons. Now that I am on this new journey and I look forward to connecting with everyone that the universe puts on my path.

I have the ability to connect easily with other people. This helps me tremendously while reading my clients. When receiving a reading from me, you are in a place of 100% non-judgement. We each have had challenges while on our own unique journeys and I would never judge you for anything in your past. I am here to help you work through traumatic wounds, navigate life situations and achieve the greatest and highest good for your life.

Aside from being a mystic and spending time with my family, I am also an amateur nature photographer. I am passionate about searching for and taking pictures of birds of prey in their natural habitat. When I am outside in nature I am happy, grounded and at my best. I look forward to sharing my experiences with all that visit my site – I hope everyone is ready for a wild ride!